
Our Mission

We bring joy to underprivileged children through the art of baking. We connect bakers with children to provide them with a birthday cake, free of charge.

Everyone deserves to feel remembered and cared for on their birthday. Birthdays are especially important for children, who are undergoing a period of mental and emotional growth. A birthday celebration that allows a child to feel loved and cared for can boost their morale and self-esteem. Birthday cakes are often at the heart of every celebration; a symbol of the coming of age. We hope to provide children with the memory of a good birthday, and it is our goal to provide them with the birthday cake of their dreams.

Our Story

When Elizabeth and her sisters were children, their mother ordered a customised birthday cake for each of their birthdays in their favourite flavours every year. When Elizabeth was 16, she picked up baking as a hobby and eventually began baking birthday cakes for others. She realised how important and symbolic a birthday cake was, and wanted to utilise her skills to bring joy to children who might not be able to have a birthday cake. After all, every child deserves a birthday cake. She felt that baking a birthday cake for a child would be a more direct and tangible way to reach out to children in need. This led to the idea of mobilising a community of bakers to bake for a greater cause; to provide birthday cakes for these children free of charge.

Our Services

Everyone deserves to feel remembered and cared for on their birthday. Birthdays are especially important for children, who are undergoing a period of mental and emotional growth. A birthday celebration that allows a child to feel loved and cared for can boost their morale and self-esteem. Birthday cakes are often at the heart of every celebration; a symbol of the coming of age. We hope to provide children with the memory of a good birthday, and it is our goal to provide them with the birthday cake of their dreams.

We currently have a standard menu of cakes and themes for children to choose from to better ensure that we are able to meet their requests. However, we hope to expand the flavours and themes over time! We are also in the midst of reaching out to partner organisations and bakers. If you are an organisation that helps underprivileged children, please feel free to contact us at acakeforachild@gmail.com. If you would like to join us as a volunteer baker, please visit our volunteer tab to find out more!